Its that time of year again folks, its Christmas! And here at SAMs we are feeling really festive! So to show our love for this amazing holiday, this month’s SAMs club was an Xmas themed club! Seen as how we are now in December, we wanted to get everyone in the Christmas mood and throw a big Xmas party!

Entertainment was on the go from start to finish with Xmas songs playing to get everyone feeling festive. There was also party games such as musical statues with prizes to be one. Plenty kids also got to request their favourite songs and have a good wee dance and a sing.

All the fun going on meant everyone’s appetite was well and truly worked up! Just as well we ordered a buffet from Cosco for everyone to enjoy which included cakes, wraps, sandwiches and many more! Judging from all the empty food containers we had a very hungry SAMs club! There was also plenty crisps, sweets, cakes and delicious drinks to wash it all down too!

After our well-earned food, we received a visit from a very special guest. That’s right, Santa Claus came to SAMs club and he had presents for all the kids. What a nice guy he was!

Have a look below at some of the pictures taken on the day. Next club is in January so we wish everyone involved with SAMs a very merry Xmas and happy New Year when it comes. See ya in 2024!